Jhon Napier's Article in Alternative Medicine

504 Home Remedies For Hot Flashes, Easy And Simple Natural Cure
Hot flashes are unpleasant symptoms which happen to women experiencing menopause. There are several home remedies for hot flashes which are easy to follow and can be very effective.
Posted on Nov-12-2011

458 Home Remedies For Hives, Easy And Simple Natural Cure
Hives is a medical condition which leaves behind patches and rings all over your body. There are several home remedies for hives which are easy to follow and very effective in treating hives.
Posted on Nov-12-2011

369 Home Remedies For Bladder Infection, Easy and Simple Natural Cure
Bladder infections are caused due to urinary tract infections and many people suffer from it. Home remedies for bladder infection are available in different forms.
Posted on Nov-05-2011

390 Home Remedies For Belching, Easy and Simple Natural Cure
Release of gases from the stomach is known as belching. There are several effective home remedies for belching which can be tried within the comforts of your home.
Posted on Nov-05-2011

363 Home Remedies For Aphids, Simple and Effective Ways
Aphids are tiny insects which infect plants and flowers. There are several home remedies for aphids which are simple and cost-effective.
Posted on Nov-05-2011

388 Home Remedies For Anxiety, Easy and Simple Natural Cure
Anxiety is a psychological problem known to be quite common these days. There are several home remedies for anxiety which are effective and can be used at home easily.
Posted on Nov-05-2011

383 Home Remedies For ADHD, Easy And Simple Natural Cure
ADHD is caused due to the failure in coordination in that part of the brain which is responsible for controlling external stimulus. There are many home remedies for ADHD which are easy and safe to use.
Posted on Nov-05-2011

392 Home Remedies For ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) In Children
ADD starts during childhood and children suffering from it show symptoms of forgetfulness, inattention, repeating mistakes, hyperactivity and many more. There are many home remedies for ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) in children which are convenient to use and simple to follow.
Posted on Nov-05-2011

434 Home Remedies For Acid Reflux, Easy and Simple Natural Cure
Acid reflux is caused by backward flow of hydrochloric acid from stomach to esophagus. The ingredients used in home remedies for Acid Reflux are easily available and can be tried at home safely.
Posted on Nov-05-2011

481 How To Grow Taller And Increase Height With Natural Supplements?
Height growth of a human being not only adds a tenfold to one's appearance but also pumps up one's personality, spirit and confidence. Researches show that tall people barely feel low or somber.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

540 11 Effective Ways To Get Relief From Joint Stiffness
Joint is the meeting point of two bones and stiffness is associated with one or more joint disorders. A stiffness in joint has reduced or restricted mobility.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

495 10 Effective Ways To Get Relief From Joint Pain
Joint is the conjunction point of two bones and pain at a joint is very common phenomenon these days. It is medically termed as Arthralgia.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

530 16 Effective Ways To Get Relief From Arthritis Pain Naturally
Arthritis is a debilitating condition which many people face. It generally comes with aging, but certain forms of arthritis are common in young people also.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

538 10 Effective Ways To Cure Weak Eyesight Naturally
Eyes are a very precious human organ. They help us to view this beautiful world around us.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

451 How To Cure Weak Eyesight and Poor Eye Vision?
Eyesight plays a vital role in maintaining the life of person. If not cared properly, eye vision may decrease with time in old age.
Posted on Oct-26-2011

451 How To Relieve Joint Pain And Stiffness
Joint pain and stiffness is a common ailment these days. Moreover, pain in joints is just one symptom of the arthritis.
Posted on Oct-24-2011

378 How To Treat Acidity, Heartburn Naturally
Acidity is irritating ailment which can affect the daily routine life of an individual. In addition, any person who is suffering from acidity is likely to face heartburn also, which is an unbearable condition in which chest pain occurs, and it is often misunderstood as heart attack.
Posted on Oct-24-2011

428 How To Grow Taller, Increase Height And Smartness
Everyone fears of being short because, height is an important part of our personality. And, a magnetic personality is useless unless you have a right height.
Posted on Oct-24-2011

343 How To Cure Gallstones - Treat With Natural Methods
Having gallstones is a very painful experience. The function of the gall bladder is to secret and store the bile juice which are essential for digesting fats.
Posted on Oct-08-2011

531 5 Effective Ways To Prevent Signs Of Aging Naturally
Men and women remains concerned about the process of aging. No one wants to experience wrinkle. But with the growing age, happening of wrinkle is a normal process.
Posted on Sep-30-2011

526 How To Get Quick Relief From Arthritis Pain Naturally
Arthritis is a joint problem and most of the people suffer from this problem. It is the main cause of pain which causes disability in movement among the sufferer.
Posted on Sep-30-2011

582 Herbal Remedies for Increase Height Grow Taller
Having a taller height is the desire of each and every person. No one wants to be of shorter height due to many reasons.
Posted on Sep-30-2011

563 Herbal Remedies For Gallstone Improve Gallbladder Function
The gallbladder is a small sac like structure located in the upper right part of the abdomen just below the front rib cage under the liver. It includes liver and pancreas, the liver produces bile juice which is effective in the process of digestion.
Posted on Sep-30-2011

517 Herbal Remedies For Flatulence - Get Natural Relief From Excessive Gas
Flatulence is caused by gas in bowel. Gas from various sources comes to our intestines, gas seeping into intestines from our blood.
Posted on Sep-30-2011

517 Herbal Remedies For Constipation Get Natural Relief From Hard Stools
The symptom of constipation is different for different people. In this condition many people have infrequent stools while some suffer from hard stools.
Posted on Sep-30-2011